TESJN – The European Student Job Network

The European Student Job Network project is dedicated to youth and the improvement of their work situation.
During the financial crisis the young were severely hit, manifested by an upward trend in the youth unemployment rate and by extension an increasing risk of social exclusion. Several years after the financial crisis, the Eurozone’s youth unemployment remains high – more than double the euro area. Studies show that lack of future prospects and long periods of unemployment in the beginning of joining the labor market, can lead to recurring unemployment periods later on in life and as a result even ruin one’s career opportunities.
The consequences of unemployment are severe and makes many young people feel isolated, dependent and worthless on top of the negative output it has on society. This is one of the many reasons why this project aims to contribute to the knowledge production of youth unemployment in Europe.
Studies show, that the chances of landing a job after graduating from university is much higher if you already have relevant experience. In addition, having a student job help students to create a greater network within their field early in their career. Based on this experience and knowledge, we aim to share best practices of the benefits of student jobs in relation to decrease youth unemployment – Both in the period of studying, and after ended education.
This initiative is dedicated to spread light on the competences of academic students and the benefits of including them into the labor market already while studying. The objective of this project is to promote Student jobs as a way of capacity building and reduce unemployment after graduation from universities by giving students work experience already while studying.
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